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Think Tank Dance Assembly

As part of an artist-led initiative to help Melbourne’s independent dance community to cope with Melbourne’s 112-day lockdown in 2020, the Think Tank Dance Assembly was born. TTDA was a self-organising collective for Melbourne’s independent dance artists. Throughout the lockdown, TTDA provided an opportunity for dance artists to meet regularly… Read More »Think Tank Dance Assembly

AYDF Cancelled

Ausdance VIC has reluctantly had to cancel the Australian Youth Dance Festival scheduled for 4-9 July. Around 90 percent of attendees were coming from outside of Victoria, so COVID-19 lockdowns and border closures have made it impossible for participants to visit Melbourne at this time. “Obviously we are disappointed, but… Read More »AYDF Cancelled

DAMN (Good) Writing Launch

The Think Tank Dance Assembly has launched its new website DAMN Writing as an online journal of thinking and writing about the independent dance sector. The TTDA came together during Melbourne’s COVID-19 lockdowns as a way for independent dance professionals, choreographers and dance students to stay connected while they were… Read More »DAMN (Good) Writing Launch

International Dance Day

International Dance Day Message 2021 by Friedemann Vogel, Germany “Everything starts with movement – an instinct we all have – and dance is movement refined to communicate. Much as flawless technique is important and impressive, it is ultimately what the dancer expresses inside the movement that is the essence.  As dancers, we are constantly on the move,… Read More »International Dance Day