Secure funding for your peak body

Ausdance VIC will continue 45 years of advocacy, support, and development of the dance sector with four-year funding announced by the Minister for Creative Industries, The Hon. Danny Pearson. This secure funding ensures we are resourced as your government recognised peak body for dance in Victoria. We are excited to deliver our ambitious 2022-2025 Strategic Plan, supporting the sector to rebuild in confidence, resilience, and hope for the future.

“As we come out of the limitations imposed by the COVID pandemic, Ausdance VIC will continue to strengthen relationships with our members, government partners, creative enterprises, and dance businesses to harness the energy of the dance sector.”

Executive Director Michelle Silby

We will continue promoting and supporting dance across Victoria, including in regional, rural, and remote areas. To deliver on the Ausdance VIC vision for all Victorians to have access to dance, we will continue to work actively to promote creativity, health, lifelong learning, community engagement, and social well-being, contributing to the wider community’s physical, mental, social, and economic well being.

“Everybody should be able to choose their own level of engagement with dance, whether that’s as a career, for creative purposes, to improve their health, or for recreation.”

Ms Silby

Ausdance VIC will help the sector meet the goals and objectives of the State Government’s Creative State 2025 plan, including applying a First Nations’ lens to all aspects of our work in dance. We will continue and strengthen connections with Victoria’s First Nations communities and dance artists, respecting and celebrating their 65,000-year history of dance on Country.

Our 2022 – 2025 Strategic Plan sets out five priorities that will guide programs and outcomes:

  1. Our members are engaged and well-supported;
  2. Support and development of the dance sector to build resilience, capacity, and capability;
  3. To work for the benefit of all Victorians;
  4. Sustainably grow the Ausdance VIC Registered Training Organisation (RTO);
  5. Building Ausdance VIC’s organisational capacity.

Minister for Creative Industries, The Hon. Danny Pearson has indicated his strong support for the role Ausdance VIC plays as one of the

dynamic organisations that fuel our creative economy, provide career pathways and jobs and deliver a stunning range of creative experiences for Victorians.”

As the subject association for dance, and a leader in dance education, Ausdance VIC will continue to support Primary and Secondary teachers and schools with quality arts education and ongoing professional development, alongside delivering accredited training as a Registered Training Organisation.

Ausdance VIC is grateful to receive this four-year funding and we acknowledge the highly competitive nature of current government grants and the reduction in available multi-year funding. We extend our thoughts to those who were unsuccessful or have received reduced funding in this round. We will continue to advocate for increased investment across the arts and arts education sectors.

Ausdance VIC’s primary location is on lands of the Yalukut Weelam Clan of the Boon Wurrung who are part of the Kulin Nation. We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live, work and dance, and celebrate the history and contemporary creativity of the world’s oldest living culture and pay our respects to Elders – past, present and future.