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Welcome Robbie Carmellotti

Ausdance VIC is delighted to announce the appointment of Robbie Carmellotti to the position of General Manager, based in Melbourne. Welcoming Robbie to the team, Executive Director of Ausdance VIC Michelle Silby said: “Robbie brings to Ausdance VIC his passion for the ongoing development of Australia’s dance, arts and entertainment industries with an… Read More »Welcome Robbie Carmellotti

Vale Dr Kim Dunphy

It is with great sadness that Ausdance VIC (AV) learned of the death of Kim Dunphy OAM. We were fortunate to have worked in close proximity with her as the President of Ausdance VIC from 1994-7. A champion of dance, Kim was a dance practitioner who had an enormous influence… Read More »Vale Dr Kim Dunphy