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State Election and Dance

Big Dance performance

We Dance, and We Vote.

It is important that we let state politicians and candidates for office know this.

Ausdance VIC have prepared a template letter that you can send to the sitting member or any candidate in your electorate. The letter sets out some advocacy points from Ausdance VIC’s direct communications to party officials. You can use this letter as inspiration or to customise as you need.

You can find candidates in your electorate via the ABC website here. Each electorate page has links to candidates’ websites. You may already know the candidates in your area from their posters or flyers in your letterbox.

We are not asking you to vote for any party or candidate. We encourage you to make an informed vote, and we hope you will consider the interests of dancers and the dance sector in your choices.

We encourage you to use our template to contact all candidates that you are interested in. Ask them how they will support you, dance and arts in your area.