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October Advocacy Update

Choosing a dance school for your child

Our advocacy activities have stepped up 

We are in regular meeting with the State Government, and working collaboratively with our colleagues from other industry and peak bodies across the arts sector. Some recent highlights include:

Advocating for ANZSIC Code 8212 to be re-included in the Business Costs Assistance Program statewide:  In recent rounds of the BCAP Government support grants, code 8212- Arts Education was removed from the list to receive support. We have raised this issue with the relevant ministers and departments, advocating that if Dance and Performing Arts Studios are under the same restrictions and Gyms and Fitness, they should have equal support. 

Consulting with VETASSES and the Federal Department of Education, Skills and Employment: Advising and implementing changes to assessment criteria of dancer occupations reflect industry standards, opening the way for teachers, dance artists and choreographers in a wide array of styles and backgrounds to work in Australia.

Advocating for rehearsals to be permitted: Aligning with the the broadcasting of performance permissions, we have advocated for rehearsals to be allowed when linked with an upcoming performance – filmed or live, to give certainty to performing artists.  

Advocating for Air Purifiers: Asking the State Government for dance studios and dance companies to be provided with, or to receive a subsidy to purchase, CO2 reducing air-conditioners and/or purifiers for their fixed premise to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. This would align the sector with the risk mitigation strategy for school settings. 

Restricted Activity Directions: Requests with DHHS and DET for Dance studios to be represented under Creative Studios in the Restricted Activity Directions rather than Indoor Physical Recreation to better represent how dance businesses operate.
Future Vaccination Requirements: Calling on the state government to provide clear information on future vaccine requirements for the dance sector, within the COVID-19 Roadmap out of Lockdown, and after reaching Stage 4 of the National Plan. 
Vaccine Economy Trials: Advocating for, and supporting the inclusion of selected remote and regional dance studios in the vaccine economy trials taking place across regional Victoria.
Expansion of Get Active Kids voucher program:  Consultation with the Department of Sports and Recreation for the expansion of eligible ages within the voucher program.
Constructive Meetings with; AICV, Arts Industry Council Victoria IAG, Industry Advisory Group Business, representing Arts and Culture for Victoria IRC, Independent Reference Committee, Arts and Culture National VSC, Victorian Skills Commission  Creative Victoria The Department of Education and Training The Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions The Department of Health Business Victoria Youth Dance Australia Ausdance NSW Ausdance National