In partnership with the Victorian Department of Education, from 2021-2023 Ausdance VIC will be promoting the benefits of dance education through a new program called Blue Sky Dance.
This 3-year program is specially designed to showcase best practice dance education aligned to the Victorian Curriculum F-10: The Arts, Dance.
Ausdance VIC has pulled together a small team of experienced and qualified dance educators who will deliver the program to hundreds of regional and rural Victorian students.
Blue Sky Dance will offer students and their teachers an opportunity to explore and engage in a great dance education experience. The program runs for 8-weeks per year and is split across two terms.
The program will:
- Be exciting, practical, achievable and interactive
- Be delivered by appropriately qualified and experienced teachers
- Build on concepts so that learning is sequenced and progressive, and linked to the Victorian Curriculum F-10: The Arts, Dance
- Provide focus via themes and an interdisciplinary/cross-curricular focus
- Provide resources for each session (lesson plans, worksheets, pre- and post-session activities, safety advice, assessment information)
- Provide in-built teacher professional learning opportunities for classroom teachers to develop their skills for ongoing implementation
- Provide synchronous learning experiences (streamed, rather than recorded content and face-to-face delivery)
- Enable greater access to content by saving the recorded content of the streamed classes onto FUSE after completion of the project.