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Ausdance VIC Advocates for Dance Education in State Inquiry

Inquiry into victorian creative and culture industries submission feature image

In January 2025 we made a formal submission to the Victorian Government’s Inquiry into Creative and Cultural Industries, advocating for diversified investment in dance education and greater recognition of its role as a vital part of the state’s arts and cultural landscape.

Our submission responded to two key questions in the inquiry:

  • The economic and social impact of the national arts policy, Revive, on Victoria’s arts sector.
  • Whether current state and federal policies provide enough support to rebuild and sustain the creative industries after COVID-19.

We highlighted the social, economic, health, and cultural value of dance and called for:

  • Diversified government funding to support education across all dance forms, not just ballet.
  • Recognition of dance’s social and cultural benefits for all Victorians.
  • Increased investment in dance education in schools to ensure access for future generations.
  • Recognition of the centrality of dance education and training organisations to the Victorian creative and cultural industries.