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Advocacy Update: Child Safe Induction to be Released Soon

Child Safe Induction for the 11 Child Safe Standards

Did you know Ausdance VIC has an Education Advisory Group? This collective is made up of leading dance artists and educators who provide feedback and suggestions on some of our education programs. We thought it was time to share a quick update on one of the programs we are most excited about…

What is the Education Advisory Group working on?

One of the major pieces of work Ausdance VIC has been developing this year is the Child Safe Induction Program. The Education Advisory Group has tested the program and provided feedback to ensure it will be fit for purpose.

What is the Child Safe Induction?

We recognise that understanding the Child Safe Standards may be challenging for some studio owners, independent teachers and artists so we designed this induction program to ensure the dance sector has a clear understanding of the Victorian Child Safe Standards and their legal responsibilities.

How exactly does this help the dance community?

In Victoria, by law, every organisation working with children must meet the Victorian Child Safe Standards. This online induction program takes you through the 11 Child Safe Standards and how they apply to the dance sector.

While it doesn’t replace the individual or organisational responsibility to develop their own Child Safe policies, procedures and practices, it specifically addresses Standard 6.3:

“All staff and volunteers receive an appropriate induction and are aware of their responsibilities to children and young people, including record keeping, information sharing and reporting obligations.”

This means that no matter how large or small your business or organisation is, you will have easy access to a high-quality resource that makes it easier for you to understand the 11 Child Safe Standards, and helps you meet Standard 6.3.

Child Safe Induction benefits include better understanding of the 11 Child Safe Standards, Meets standard 6.3 and will be accessible by easy online learning system

What will the program look like?

The Ausdance VIC Child Safe Induction Program will be delivered via our online learning management system. It has been designed as self-directed learning and includes videos, readings, links to resources and quizzes for each standard. On successful completion, you will receive a certificate of completion.

We are excited to make this program available to everyone in the dance sector (very) soon!

Stay tuned for more details.

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Developing Child Safe Policies

All children have the right to feel safe and be safe, but safety does not just happen.

Follow this guide for developing and implementing the 11 Child Safe Standards in your dance studio.
