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The Australian Curriculum: The Arts Submission

The Ausdance National Education Committee, led by Dr Jeff Meiners and Sue Fox, has worked to prepare the attached submission to the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) on The Australian Curriculum: The Arts.

The proposed revisions aim to declutter the content through improving the clarity of structure of  the curriculum, and refine the content descriptions and achievement standards. This response relates specifically to dance in the F-6 curriculum, as this is the identified focus of the review. As Ausdance’s representatives, Jeff and Sue have also contributed to the National Advocates for Arts Education submission, which aims to reach a review consensus across all art forms. We thank the Dance Education Committee members from all states and territories who contributed to the submission, and look forward to working further with ACARA on next steps.  

Ausdance National Education Committee

Rachael Bott (WA), Trish Brown (ACT), Sarah Calver (NT), Peter Cook (NSW), Megan Cooper (SA), Julie Dyson (ACT), Candice Egan (VIC), Sue Fox (QLD), Lesley Graham (TAS), Julie-Anne Grant (QLD), Rikki Mace (TAS), Kate Maquire-Rosier (NSW), Jeff Meiners (SA), Helen Mullins (QLD), Katrina Rank (VIC), Amy Wiseman (WA)